Our People



Admitted to Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association in 2011
Foreign Language English
Contact Phone: +81-(0)3-6265-6299
Fax: +81-(0)3-6265-4681
Practice Areas International Practice GenerallyExpansion into Overseas Markets / Cross-Border M&AInternational Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Management of Overseas SubsidiariesMergers & Acquisitions / CorporateSettlement of DisputesLabor LawsIntellectual PropertyPersonal Data / Information Protection Laws, Foreign Investment in Japan

Qualification and Experience

Apr. 2024-present Chairman, International Affairs Committee, Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association
Jul. 2022-present T&K Partners
Nov. 2017-Sep. 2019 Auditor, View Communications (Corporation Engaging in Specified Nonprofit Activities)
Dec. 2011-Jun. 2022 Nakagawa & Yamakawa Law Office
Mar. 2010 Completed the Professional Degree Program, School of Law, Graduate Schools for Laws and Politics, the University of Tokyo (J.D.)
Mar. 2008 Graduated from the Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo (LL.B.)